Calafuria Tormaresca 2019

Calafuria Tormaresca 2019

It’s a date! Sunny-the-Еgg meets Italian hottie Calafuria Tormaresca!
He is free as in cage-free and from Oregon.
She is from Puglia, Italy. And she is full of Negro Amaro grape.
She is creamy and peachy and smells like strawberry pie.
He smells like an egg…

It was hard to foretell. Eggs are hardly a hot topic of wine pairings. Still, what do you pair eggs with during Sunday brunch? The biggest challenge is that Sunny-the-Egg has umami flavor and umami is a picky wine “date.”

So how did the date go with Italian hottie Calafuria and Sunny the Egg?

Calafuria Tormaresca 2019

Calafuria Tormaresca 2019 is a Negro Amaro grape-based Rosé wine. It comes from the Puglia producer in Southern Italy. 

We tasted Negro Amaro reds many times, and we love this inky black fruit-forward variety. Negro Amaro Rosé wines are not commonly available in the United States, and when we saw it at the store, we jumped at the opportunity to taste it. By the way, inky black is what its name refers to in Italian. 

What’s in a Glass

It has the color that is best described as pale strawberry. 

Calafuria smells like strawberry pie, peach, cherry with a touch of minerality. 

She tastes like peach and cream, ripe sour cherry, and pear. 

After all, she’s Rosé, but she’s not that simple. Some saltiness and peach skin bitter notes add pleasant complexity to her character.


We must say the first date was a success. Sunny the Egg liked her and wants to go on the second date. 

While being Rosé, we liked her because she intrigued us with an unexpected light saltiness sensation that sent our taste buds on a little rollercoaster ride. It was fun, and we’re looking for more. 

Have you tasted Negro Amaro based wines yet? We would love to hear about your favorites. 

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