We created Northwest Sunrise cocktail for Amaretto lovers and those who prefer sweeter cocktails to boozy drinks. Northwest Sunrize color reminds us of a windy...
Salad Olivier is a famous holiday dish for many people from post-USSR countries. Usually, Salad Olivier is prepared and served for dinner on New Year’s...
Aperol Spritz cocktail has become a staple these days. You will find it almost anywhere in cocktail bars and Italian and non-Italian restaurants that serve...
The Poire à la Beaujolaise, or pears in wine, is a traditional dessert in the Beaujolais wine region. It’s a part of Burgundy and Lyon cuisine tradition....
Another cocktail night at Dosalas Kitchen and Bar! Yes, we cheated on the wine again. Summer is perfect for Vancouver Waterfront visits; this time, our...
The heat of summer days inspires us to create lighter dishes that pair with light-body wines. Feta cheese and watermelon salad with fresh herbs from...